Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Unleash your True Self at Personal Best Seminars!

Personal Best Seminars - Core Program

This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month


This is the first step to lasting self transformation and it involves recognizing our current belief system, both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Participants spend 3 evenings plus 2 weekend days, creating AWARENESS of what’s getting in the way for LASTING change in your life.

Now that we have a better understanding of our current state, the next step is to apply ourselves to make the necessary changes.

With the new awareness, participants spend 5 days having an APPLICATION experience in and out of the classroom.

The final step to lasting self transformation is to make the changes a part of your daily life. This involves creating habits that will help maintain new, supportive belief systems.

New habits and thought patterns are put into your everyday life over this 3 month INTEGRATION process.

Awareness + Application + Integration = LASTING CHANGE

Want to Learn More about our Level 1 Program?

Discover the keys to unlocking your true self in our transformation workshop.

Watch our Introductory Series and learn all about Personal Best and our Level 1 Program.

Your facilitator, Heather Jones, will walk you though the process of course and answer all your questions!

OR Join us LIVE online Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm MDT

At Personal Best Seminars, we believe in empowering our clients to make their own choices. Our aim is to show you what our programs are all about so you can decide if it's the right fit for your current life circumstances.

Read Our Latest Blogs

My cream a-line graduation dress and the knock-off Sketchers I yearned to wear beneath it symbolized my first real attempt at stepping boldly into my own shoes.

Stepping into My Own Shoes: Eventually…

April 21, 20243 min read

The fabric of our lives is often woven with expectations—some self-imposed, many others laid upon us by the hands of those we love and look up to. My cream a-line graduation dress and the knock-off Sketchers I yearned to wear beneath it symbolized my first real attempt at stepping boldly into my own shoes. But that day was not about my comfort—it amounted to a battle between individuality and the image my mother had crafted for me.

I can still remember my mother's horror at the sight of my beloved purple Sketchers adorned with flowers that held promises of the freedom I craved. Her voice, drowning out my plea for autonomy, declared we were not to tarnish the picture-perfect moment she envisioned with footwear she deemed unworthy. It wasn't just about the shoes—it was about me, longing to shout, "I am here! See me for who I am!"

Yet with each tick of the clock, as graduation loomed closer, I caved—to my sister's hair styling, to my mother's dream, and to society's unspoken decree—that making others happy was my sacred duty, one that even overshadowed my own launch into adulthood.

Chaos swirled around me, ruffling the calm that should have accompanied my proud achievement. My room became an emotional battleground, tears staining my cheeks as I wrestled with the shackles of expectations.

My sister, the calm in a storm, soothed and smoothed things over, giving me the comfort I needed to start my day. With little time left, my hair was done, I was zipped into my dress, and I hesitantly donned the shiny white sandals mom offered with a hope of joy.

Snap! Photos were taken, set against a festive scene that felt more like a goodbye to myself. But these photos fed my mom's pride and the act I found myself in. They documented a collective triumph, not personal.

I whirled through the night, riding the high of inspiring words spoken for me – not someone's daughter, not a reflection, just me.

Entering college, I felt like the main character in the second act of my life, but my part was too much like an encore of my high school self—what I thought would impress others. This tendency wasn't just to make Mom happy anymore; it had taken over, becoming a habit that clashed with my true self, sparking an identity struggle that lasted years. Whenever I tried to be as unique and vibrant as those bold shoes I admired in secret, I felt silenced, forced to follow the 'shoulds' of an unseen force. Now, I look at young women teaming dresses with Skechers with a mix of jealousy and respect. I wish to emulate that bold style and have the support of a parent who encourages being true to oneself.

Reflecting on the Lessons Learned

I've learned hard, but necessary truths through self-reflection:

  • Parents' responsibility: Heal your issues or they may become your children's burden.

  • Boundaries: Your peace should not be overruled by others, even loved ones.

  • Self-Care: Seek your happiness independently, without waiting for others' approval.

  • Real Connections: True bonds are built on mutual respect, not on sacrificing who you are.

  • Accepting the Past: Our lives are shaped by various influences, but we must find what's truly ours.

Education doesn't end at graduation; life's lessons stick with us more closely. Daily, I add to my self-story, now choosing paths that fit me, not others.

I share my journey, from youth to adulthood, to resonate and assure you, you're not alone if you're balancing others' expectations. Through my experiences, may you recognize parts of your own, hear your struggles echoed, and find the willpower to define your own success.

The bravest action isn't about public praise but choosing your path, even when it's unpopular.

Let's courageously walk in our own shoes, with each persistent step.

Learn more how our programs are the beginning of the path to healing. Learn more HERE.

Kids First, Becoming a Mom, Healing the Generations

motherhoodparentingunseen burdensdivorcepersonal developmentparents separating
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Join our Free Community Circle - Find Your Happiness in 2024!

Do you want to be part of a community of like minded people who are committed to living their own personal best life? Join us online at our Community Circle every 1st Wednesday of the month where we discuss how each month's pillar helps to unlock the keys to happiness.

Community Circle Format:

  • As a community, we will meet online monthly. This is open to all, whether you have taken a Personal Best Course or not!

  • Each month covers ONE pillar and how it relates to the KEYS to HAPPINESS. Participants have the opportunity to create monthly action steps for themselves at the end of each online meeting.

  • January is Pillar 1, February is Pillar 2, March is Pillar 3….and so on.

Sign up now to receive reminders every month so you never miss a date!



Heather Jones graduated from Personal Best’s complete three level flagship courses in 2007, and immediately, a spark was lit! She proceeded to devote the next 17 years actively pursuing and immersing herself in Personal Development and is now the proud new owner of Personal Best Seminars.

Heather is an everyday example of the happiness, success, and the results anyone can create through Personal Best Seminars programs. Heather is honoured to be taking on this new role.



D. Goodwin

"So uplifting and definitely a game changer!"

I. Marinescu

“This was the best course that I have ever taken. It has made a big impact on me and I have changed my life in a very positive way. I am starting to know and understand myself” 

J. Zombori

“I have read about the principles in this course for years.  This the first course that has helped me take action missing to promote real and lasting change” 

L. Routledge

“Attending Level one, The Truth Revealed would definitely rate up there with some of my best experiences.  I would have to say, with great pleasure and gratitude, that I have received more answers and direction in a much shorter time than ever before.” 

M. Audy

“I've spent over $50,000 on personal development over the last 30 years. Out of all the events, the most impactful and profoundly transformative one was Personal Best Seminars I & II just this past November.

My life hasn't been the same since and I'm so grateful that a friend of mine kept suggesting I go. I'd say that if anyone has an area of their life where they are dissatisfied or struggling in relationships or communication, they should attend these sessions as soon as possible. Can’t wait for Level III”

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